在戰亂頻繁、疫情蔓延的年代,我們原有的計畫,固定的習慣,以為不會改變的事,一夕之間都改變了。我們居家隔離,減少與人接觸,被迫面對自己的恐懼,直視死亡。連接網路看到的是不斷上升的死亡人數和美食、出遊的小確幸,這兩種極端在我們的生活中交錯。於是住家旁的七里溪--這條在Google Map上連名字都沒有的小溪流成了安頓身心的救贖地。 郁雯自2021年開始「溯。溪」計畫,親身在溪床、石堆、潮間帶間行走、駐足、採集,試著感知祂的氣味、輪廓、觸感、密度,透過不斷返迴行走,郁雯不再是追求一個風景,她想呈現的是自然,一個比我們都大的東西,像一個「靈」一樣,無論是一棵樹或一條溪,祂不是一個景,而是活生生的「靈」。因此,郁雯的創作靈感大部分是來自於她跟自然之間的想像,或是她想像的自然。 In this time of war and pandemic our plans and habits and the things we think wouldn’t change have all changed in an instant. Self-isolation and reduced contact with others force us to confront our own fears and our own mortality. Online we see an ever-rising death count bookended by contrasting images of gourmet food and joyful travel. These extremes wage a war inside us with no center. Yuwen to seek a center, to spend time living next to Qilixi Stream, a stream so small that it doesn’t even have a name on Google Maps, to quiet her mind and body, and seek some sort of redemption. In 2021 Yuwen began her river tracing plan, spending time following river bed, exploring rock piles and the intertidal zone, walking, stopping, and collecting items from nature, tasting the land, feeling its textures, looking deeply, and taking in the atmosphere. She went repeatedly, not looking for beauty, but looking for the natural essence of the place, its spirit, something bigger than us. Whether observing a tree or the stream, she wasn’t looking at scenery, she was interacting with a living spirit. Inspiration for her work comes from these interactions and her imaginations of nature. museumofvancouver.ca/in-reflection-across-the-shore
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