白天與夜晚的交界; 樹梢與天空的交界; 幻想與真實的交界; 人與人的交界; 畫與不畫的交界; 作品與背景的交界; 我並不是真的要找出分離的那一條線, 反而是要去更模糊虛與實的分界, 就像半夢半醒的狀態,最美、最迷人。 |
I've been interested in investigating the idea of boundaries.
The boundaries between different concepts: day and night, branches and sky, illusion and reality, painting and non painting, work and its background etc. I do not wish to find the definitive line of these boundaries, as there is none but merely a foggy, blurry vagueness, similar to the feeling of gradually moving from dreaming to awakening. This to me is the most beautiful and charming time. |